Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Our Miami Office
Breast Reconstruction surgery is becoming a more common procedure after mastectomy or partial mastectomy for breast cancer patients. In the America Society of Plastic Surgery reconstructive national data bank statistic reports of 2020, breast reconstruction procedures were performed in 137,808 patients.1
Following a mastectomy, many women feel self-conscious and long for a return to the shape they were before. With breast reconstruction, you have the opportunity to turn back the clock. You may also desire reconstruction if your breasts are asymmetrical, and one side is significantly larger than the other.
Breast Reconstruction Surgery Video Testimonial
Breast Reconstruction with Dr. Tal
Dr. Tal Roudner specializes in the field of breast reconstruction, and has written about chest reconstruction for a major professional journal. In addition to his skill, he is also a compassionate and caring physician. A mastectomy following breast cancer leaves more than just physical scars, and Dr. Roudner understands that. He will help you from day one as you make this important decision and guide you to the path that is right for you.
Dr. Roudner’s surgical goal is to help the breast cancer patient regain both physical and emotional health. By reconstructing the affected breast in the most natural way regaining a feminine appearance.
Dr. Roudner may use saline or silicone implants, flap surgery and/or fat grafting while performing the reconstruction procedure depending on the patients desires and needs while taking into account anatomical and soft tissue characteristics. In a second stage procedure the nipple areolar complex maybe reconstructed as well as any symmetrizing procedures such as a breast lift, breast reduction and liposuction to give a more balanced appearance.
Your Breast Reconstruction Consultation
When you meet with Dr. Roudner for your initial consultation at our Miami office, you will be asked questions about your physical and medical history. You will also have the opportunity to discuss your hopes and expectations for this procedure.
Dr. Roudner will answer your questions and address your concerns regarding breast reconstruction, list your options and help you make your decision. Once you have decided that breast reconstruction is right for you, Dr. Roudner will take measurements and photographs for your chart.
You will be given specific instructions for self-care in the days prior to your surgery. Follow these directions carefully; they are for your safety and to ensure the best outcome. Your surgery may be performed here at our Miami office or at a local Miami hospital.
Preparing for Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Miami
Patients undergoing breast reconstruction procedure are seen in the office at time of consultation Dr. Roudner will discuss in details the procedure and where your procedure will be performed. Dr Roudner will evaluate overall health and physical condition as well as access any conditions or risk factors. He will examine your breasts for size, shape, nipple areolar size and position, skin quality as well as take detailed measurements. He will then present the options available and his recommendations for treatment as well as the risks, benefits as well as complications possible. The surgery may be performed at Dr. Roudner’s fully accredited office-based surgical center or at an outpatient/ambulatory surgical center, or a hospital.
Two weeks prior to surgery the patient will be seen for a pre-op appointment. At the time of the pre-operative visit the necessary blood work and other needed tests are performed, consents are reviewed and signed, instructions on what to do on the day of surgery and post-operative care and follow-up are given and medical clearance is obtained as necessary. Pre-op photos are taken. Patients that smoke are required to stop smoking 4 weeks before the procedure and for 3 weeks after the surgery (preferably will not return to smoking). It is important to inform Dr. Roudner if you smoke at the initial consultation. Nicotine testing is conducted by urine test the day of surgery.
Patients medications will be evaluated prior to surgery and the appropriate adjustments made if needed in coordination with the patients primary care physician. Medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc) supplements and herbs can cause bleeding problems during the surgery and post surgery. Therefore a list of any medication, supplements or herbs that should not be taken a few weeks before the procedure is given at the time of the consultation.
Prior to surgery it is important to eat a healthy diet and avoid drinking alcohol a few days prior to the procedure. Exercise and being in good shape prior to surgery is generally good for the patient’s overall health and a speedy recovery; however, day prior to the breast reconstruction procedure patients should avoid strenuous exercise.
Patients should not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight the night before surgery. The patient’s should shower the night prior to the surgery and wash the surgical site with antimicrobial soap. After the shower the patient’s should avoid wearing any products such as: oils, creams, makeup, moisturizers, or lotions — including deodorant.
Removing any nail polish from at least one fingernail and toenail will be helpful for the anesthesia person in order to monitor the blood circulation during the procedure using a pulse-oxy-meter.
The morning of the surgery the patient’s may brush their teeth, but should not swallow more than a sip of water. If instructed by the primer care physician, patient’s may take any needed prescribed medication with sipping a minimal amount of water.
On the day of surgery the patient should wear loose-fitting clothes that open in the front and comfortable flat shoes that are easy to put on.
When the procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure arrangements for transportation of the patient to and from the procedure as well as a someone to stay with the patient for the first 24 hours after surgery should be made in advance.
Care for small children, should be arranged prior to the surgery as well as preparation of extra food and drinks. Responsibilities at home and at work should be taken care of prior to surgery in order to have worry-free and relaxing recover.
Prescription medications maybe filled at the time of surgery by the person accompanying the patient to surgery or a in advance prior to the day of surgery.
The Breast Reconstruction Procedure
Once you are prepped for your surgery and placed under general anesthesia, your breast reconstruction will begin. Dr. Roudner will use one of several different flap techniques depending on how much reconstruction is necessary and the location of your donor site.
One type of flap, called a TRAM flap, takes donor tissue from the abdomen to recreate the breast. Alternatively, tissue and skin may be taken from the back. This is referred to as a latissimus dorsi flap. While sometimes the flap itself is enough to recreate the round shape of the natural breast, a saline or silicone implant is often required.
In some cases, you may need to return to our Miami clinic following the placement of your implant to have it slowly inflated to allow the skin time to stretch. Advanced reconstruction techniques can even create a new nipple and areola for you.
Recovering from Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction is a major surgery. You need to allow time to heal before attempting to return to regular activity. Your incisions, both in the breast area and at the donor site, will be bandaged, and you will need to care for these incisions, keep them clean and change the bandages. You may temporarily have a tube in the incision to help drainage.
Dr. Roudner will provide you with aftercare instructions and prescription medication to help keep discomfort and swelling to a minimum. Take all your medications as directed. Keep your follow-up appointments at our Miami clinic so that Dr. Roudner can check your incisions and make sure that you are healing well.
While you are likely to have permanent scarring from your breast reconstruction, with time the scars will fade until they are barely noticeable. You may also experience the return of sensation in the breast. Most importantly, you will regain your feminine shape, and your self-image will improve.
Call our Miami office today at 305-767-7719 to schedule your breast reconstruction consultation with Dr. Roudner.
Contact Dr. Tal Roudner
If you are considering breast reconstruction surgery, it is important that you feel well-informed and fully supported. At the plastic surgery practice of Dr. Tal Roudner, we are here to help you through every stage of your journey. Call our Miami office today at 305-767-7719 to schedule your breast reconstruction consultation with Dr. Roudner.
Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reconstruction
Who is a candidate for breast reconstruction?
If you have had all or some of your breast or breasts removed prophylactically or for breast cancer treatment, you may be considering breast reconstruction surgery. Ideal candidates for this procedure have completed radiation therapy and are in good overall health. It is also important that women who choose to undergo breast reconstruction have realistic expectations about what can be achieved through cosmetic surgery. When you meet with plastic surgeon Dr. Roudner for a breast reconstruction consultation, he will explain that patients often experience changes to the appearance, feel, and sensation of their reconstructed breast after reconstruction. Still, many women feel that restoring their figures after breast removal is an important step in their healing process that helps them feel stronger, more feminine, and more confident.2
Is breast reconstruction right for me?
The decision to undergo breast reconstruction after cancer treatment is a deeply personal one. Many studies have shown that patients enjoy improved self-confidence and sexauality after breast reconstruction. More importantly, breast reconstruction surgery often signals the end of an emotional confrontation with cancer, whether the breasts have been removed as treatment or prophylactically. Dr. Roudner and our entire team understand that this can be a difficult decision, and we are here to help you make the right choice for you.3
Will I have scars after breast reconstruction?
While you are likely to have permanent scarring from your breast reconstruction, with time the scars will fade until they are barely noticeable. You may also experience the return of sensation in the breast. Most importantly, you will regain your feminine shape, and your self-image will improve.
1 American Society of Plastic SUrgeons. 2020 Plastic Surgery Statistics. Available: Accessed January 28, 2022.
2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Breast Reconstruction Candidates. Available: Accessed January 29, 2022.
3 Tkachenko GA, Arslanov KhS, Iakovlev VA, Blokhin SN, Shestopalova IM, Portnoĭ SM, Poddubnaia IV. [Long-term impact of breast reconstruction on quality of life among breast cancer patients]. Vopr Onkol. 2008;54(6):724-8. Russian. PMID: 19241847. Available: Accessed January 29, 2022.

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