Botox – Injectables Miami Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Botox – Injectables Miami Anti-Wrinkle Treatment
February 19th, 2016 by Tal Roudner

Botox Miami

Lines and wrinkles can make a person look older than they really are. If you would like to lessen the appearance of wrinkles and even make them disappear entirely, consider coming in for Botox injections.

Patients who have numerous fine lines and wrinkles in their skin will find that Botox is the solution they’ve been searching for. Botox is able to ease away crow’s feet, lipstick lines, chin wrinkles, vertical neck bands, horizontal forehead wrinkles, and “the elevens,” the small vertical lines found between the eyebrows.

To find out more about what Botox can do for your lines and wrinkles, speak with Dr. Tal Roudner, a double-board-certified plastic surgeon serving patients in the Miami area. Schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Roudner by contacting us today.

Dr. Tal Roudner has either authored or reviewed and approved the content on this website.

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