If you notice that your breasts are not as perky as they once were, you may want to consider a breast lift procedure. A breast lift addresses sagging by raising the breasts. By elevating the position of your breasts with a breast lift, your breasts with appear more youthful.
If you are interested in learning more about Breast Lift surgery, please contact Dr. Tal Roudner at 305-767-7719.
1. Can both breasts be enlarged during the same surgery?
Yes, Dr. Tal Roudner can enlarge both breasts during the same surgical procedure. Many of Dr. Tal Roudner’s patients who decide to alter the size of their breasts also choose to have a breast lift during the same procedure. Following a breast augmentation and breast lift procedure, your breasts will be firm, shapely and youthful looking.
2. Will my bathing suit hide any visible scars?
Following your breast lift surgery, you should expect to have some scarring; however, when you wear a bathing suit or bra the majority of your scars will be concealed. Dr. Tal Roudner takes great care in determining which type of incision will provide his patients the least amount of scarring. Over many months after a breast lift procedure, most patients’ scars are virtually unnoticeable.
3. Will a breast lift procedure increase my chances of suffering with breast cancer?
No, a breast lift will not cause you to have cancer. Breast cancer occurs due to breast abnormalities. These abnormalities start in the breast tissue. As the cancer evolves, it may become visible on a mammogram because of identifying microcalcifications. Locating breast lumps in the early stages is crucial for this reason performing your monthly self-examination is essential.
4. Is there more than one technique used to perform a breast lift?
Yes, Dr. Tal Roudner can use a donut (concentric) or anchor-shaped technique when performing a breast lift.
The donut breast lift technique is usually performed on women who have minimal sagging of the breasts. When using this breast lift technique Dr. Tal Roudner removes a circular shaped piece of skin and repositions the breasts.
The anchor-shaped breast lift technique has similar features to the donut breast lift method; however, a greater amount of skin is removed.
5. Are the results of a breast lift permanent?
Yes, however the breasts will continue to be affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding, the natural aging process and weight loss. All of these circumstances can affect the results of your breast lift as they could cause your breast tissues to weaken, leading to droopy breasts once again.
Dr. Tal Roudner is a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in Miami. Dr. Tal Roudner specializes in performing breast augmentation and breast lift surgeries. If you are in or near Miami and you are looking for an Award Winning Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to perform your breast lift and/or breast augmentation procedure, contact Dr. Roudner’s office today. We look forward to meeting you.
If you are interested in learning more about a breast augmentation or any other cosmetic procedure, contact Dr. Tal Roudner’s Miami office today by calling 305-443-3531. We look forward to meeting you.
Breast Lift Surgery – 5 Commonly Asked Questions