Top 10 Questions to ask about Breast Augmentation

Top 10 Questions to ask about Breast Augmentation
October 26th, 2015 by Tal Roudner

Are you considering breast implants? You’re not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were nearly 300,000 breast augmentations performed last year in the United States. Selecting the right surgeon is one of the most important steps you can take toward making your breast augmentation a success. The questions below address some of the most common concerns of women seeking breast augmentation.

If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, please contact Dr. Tal Roudner at 305-767-7719.

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1. Am I a good candidate for Breast Augmentation?

If you are considering breast augmentation because it’s something you want to do for yourself — not to please someone else in your life — then you are likely a good candidate for breast implants. Women seek breast augmentation because they want fuller breasts. Your candidacy also depends on your body type, the size of implants you want, and your goals for the surgery. Finally, you will be a good candidate only if you are willing to follow your pre-op and post-op instructions.

2. Should I choose silicone or saline implants?

Both types of implants can look and feel natural. The ideal choice for you is based on budget, age and breast size. During our consultation, I will recommend which type of implant is the best choice for you. Saline implants are less expensive and cause no concern if they deflate or rupture. Silicone implants can feel more natural; however they also require a larger incision and need to be monitored to make sure that ruptures aren’t an issue.

3. Are breast implants safe?

Yes! Implants are heavily regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations and considered totally safe.

4. How long do implants last?

Breast implants can last up to 25 years or more, depending on the individual. Most breast implant manufacturers recommend changing their product after 10 years. However implants can shift over time, due to changes in breast size and the aging process. If this happens, it is not uncommon for women to choose a different implant size or shape to better enhance their body.

5. What size implant should I choose?

This is a personal decision based on the result you want to achieve. Some patients prefer large breasts, while others prefer a more natural look. The size and shape of the implant is also based on your size and anatomy. My goal is to augment your breasts in the way you desire, while minimizing scarring and maintaining a natural and youthful appearance. I will work with you to select the implant size and shape that best enhances your body.

6. How much does breast augmentation cost?

The cost depends on the type of your implant, as well as if you’re having any other surgery at the same time. Our office offers financing options that will help make your breast augmentation more affordable. Plastic surgery is a big decision and I recommend that you select a board-certified plastic surgeon based on reputation and experience, not just cost.

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7. What is surgery like?

Surgery generally takes one to two hours and is usually done under general anesthesia.

Incisions are made in one of three locations. These are in the fold underneath the breast, in the armpit, or around the nipple. Implants may be placed above or below the chest wall muscles. Each incision site and placement option has advantages and disadvantages, which should be discussed during your consultation.

Once the incision is made, the implant will be inserted. Silicone-gel filled implants are already filled and are placed above or below the chest muscle. Saline-filled implants are not pre-filled. In this case, the silicone shell is inserted into the desired location and then filled with saline. The incision is then closed with stitches. In rare cases, drains will also be placed at the incision site.

The drains and stitches will be removed during follow-up appointments after your surgery.

8. How long is the recovery?

You will need to rest for at least 5 to 7 days. Most patients return to work within a week. You will likely experience soreness and swelling for a few weeks.

9. Can I get pregnant if I have implants?

Yes! Following your pregnancy, you may notice that the implants do not sit as they did previously. If this is the case, you may choose to have an additional augmentation and/or a breast lift.

10. Can I breastfeed if I have implants?

The results vary but most patients that I have operated on were able to breast feed. Breast implants do not pose any threat to the baby. However, if you are planning to breastfeed, make sure to explain this desire to your surgeon. For women who want to breastfeed, I recommend that the breast implant be inserted under the muscle, as well as choosing an incision site that is not around the nipple.

Dr. Tal Roudner is a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in Miami. He specializes in performing breast augmentation and breast lift surgeries. If you are in or near Miami and you are looking for an Award Winning Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to perform your breast augmentation procedure, please contact Dr. Tal Roudner’s office at 305-443-3531. We look forward to meeting you.


  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift Surgery
  • Breast Implant Types
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