This 22-year-old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her implants. The patient underwent revision breast surgery. Her implants were replaced with silicone breast implant placed in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position. The large pockets were closed with capsulorraphies. A surgical scaffold was used as an internal bra for support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSF (Full Profile).
Patient Age: 22
Patient Height: 5’3″
Patient Weight: 119 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 345 cc SSF
Implant Size (Right): 345 cc SSF
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C
9 Months Post Surgery

This 29-year-old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her implants. The patient underwent revision breast surgery. Her implants were replaced with silicone breast implant placed in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position.. The large pockets were closed with capsulorraphies. A surgical scaffold was used as an internal bra for support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSM (Moderate Profile).
Patient Age: 29
Patient Height: 5’7″
Patient Weight: 128 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 360 cc SSM
Implant Size (Right): 375 cc SSM
Cup Size Before: DD
Cup Size After: DD
2 Months Post Surgery

This 29-year-old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her implants. The patient underwent revision breast surgery with breast lift. Her implants were replaced with silicone breast implant placed in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position. The patient had significant asymmetry that was corrected with different profile implants. The large pockets were closed with capsulorraphies. A surgical scaffold was used as an internal bra for support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSF and SSX (Full Profile and Extra Full Profile).
Patient Age: 29
Patient Height: 5’9″
Patient Weight: 124 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 340 cc SSX
Implant Size (Right): 365 cc SSF
Cup Size Before: DD
Cup Size After: D
2 Months Post Surgery

This 31 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who underwent breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had capsular contracture of her left breast implant. The patient underwent revision breast surgery with left breast capsulectomie, replacement of her breast implants through IMF incisions with silicone breast implant placement in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSX (Xtra Full Profile).
Patient Age: 31
Patient Height: 5’5″
Patient Weight: 127 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 445 cc
Implant Size (Right): 470 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: D
6 months Post Surgery

This 37 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast lift with implants in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her implants. The patient underwent a revision breast surgery with redoing her breast lift and a small breast reduction. Her saline implants were replaced with silicone breast implant placed in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position. The large pockets were closed with capsulorraphies. A surgical scaffold GALAFLEX 3D was used as an internal bra for support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSF (Full Profile).
Patient Age: 37
Patient Height: 5’4″
Patient Weight: 143 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 335 cc
Implant Size (Right): 415 cc
Cup Size Before: DD
Cup Size After: D
6 Weeks Post Surgery

This 22 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who underwent breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had capsular contractures of her breast implants. The patient has textured implants. The patient underwent revision breast surgery with bilateral capsulectomies, replacement of her breast implants through IMF incisions with silicone breast implant placement in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSM (Moderate Profile).
Patient Age: 22
Patient Height: 5’10″
Patient Weight: 138 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 375 cc
Implant Size (Right): 375 cc
Cup Size Before: B
Cup Size After: C
2 months Post Surgery

This 39 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her breast implants inferiorly and laterally. The patient underwent a revision breast surgery with replacement of her breast implants through IMF incisions, with silicone breast implant placement in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position and use of Strattice tissue matrix (ADM) as an internal bra for breast implants support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant – SSM (Moderate Profile).
Patient Age: 39
Patient Height: 5’7″
Patient Weight: 116 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 345 cc
Implant Size (Right): 345 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C
2 months Post Surgery

This 58 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast lift with implants in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her implants as well as deflation of her saline implant on the right. The patient underwent a revision breast surgery with redoing her breast lift and a small breast reduction. Her saline implants were replaced with silicone breast implant placed in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position. She had neo subpectoral pockets (new pockets for her implants) for placement of her new implants.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSF (Full Profile).
Patient Age: 58
Patient Height: 5’6″
Patient Weight: 173 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 325 cc
Implant Size (Right): 295 cc
Cup Size Before: D
Cup Size After: C
6 Weeks Post Surgery

This 48 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her implants. The patient underwent a revision breast surgery with replacement of her breast implants through IMF incisions, with silicone breast implant placed in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position as well as bilateral capsulotomies(capsule release).
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSM (Moderate Profile).
Patient Age: 48
Patient Height: 5’7″
Patient Weight: 144 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 405 cc
Implant Size (Right): 405 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C
6 Months Post Surgery

This 26 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her breast implants inferiorly and laterally. The patient underwent a revision breast surgery with replacement of her breast implants through IMF incisions, with silicone breast implant placement in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position and capsulorraphies.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira Cohesive Breast Implant- SCF (Full Profile).
Patient Age: 26
Patient Height: 5’2″
Patient Weight: 148 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 415 cc
Implant Size (Right): 385 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C
6 weeks Post Surgery

This 27 year old female with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) and ptosis (sagging breast) who had multiple surgeries in the past in another surgeons office underwent a revision Wise Mastopexy (full breast lift and small reduction) with silicone breast implants exchange, neo-subpectoral pocket and galaflex surgical scaffold.
Breast Implant Type: Natrelle Inspira Cohesive Round Silicone-Filled Breast Implants
SCM (Moderate Profile).
Patient Age: 27
Patient Height: 5’3″
Patient Weight: 133 lbs
Implant Size (Right): 140cc
Implant Size (Left): 140cc
Cup Size Before: DD
Size After: B
6 weeks Post Operative

This 25 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast), underwent an exchange of her breast implants to silicone breast implants with total removal of her capsule on the left breast due to a capsular contracture and right breast correction of the implant malposition (bottoming out of her breast implants) with GalaFLEX Mesh (surgical scaffold) as an internal bra for added support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Silicone Implants – High Profile/ Style SRF NATRELLE INSPIRA
Patient Age: 25
Patient Height: 5’2
Patient Weight: 115 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 450 cc
Implant Size (Right): 450 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, had undergone a breast augmentation in the past. She was seen for a breast revision surgery. A Wise Mastopexy with a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) exchange of breast to Silicone implants was performed.
Breast Implant Type: Silicone Gel – Ultra High Profile/ Style 20
Size: 400 cc
Pre-Op Cup: C
Post-Op Cup: C

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, underwent a Wise Mastopexy with replacement of implants in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) breast augmentation with Silicone implants.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – High Profile
Size: 450 cc
Pre-Op Cup: B
Post-Op Cup: C

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, underwent a Wise Mastopexy with a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) saline breast implants exchanged with Silicone implants.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – High Profile
Size: 225 cc
Pre-Op Cup: D
Post-Op Cup: D

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis who underwent previous breast augmentation procedure at another doctors ofice, underwent a Periareolar Mastopexy (Donut or Benelli Mastopexy) with a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) breast augmentation with Silicone implants.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Moderate Plus Profile/ Style 15
Size: 265 cc Left
Size: 234 cc Right
Pre-Op Cup: D
Post-Op Cup: C

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, had undergone a breast lift with implants in the past. She was seen for a breast revision surgery. A Wise Mastopexy with a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) exchange of breast to Silicone implants was performed.
Breast Implant Type: Textured Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Moderate Plus Profile/ Style115
Size: 354 cc
Pre-Op Cup: C
Post-Op Cup: C

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, underwent an exchange of her saline breast implants and revision of her sub-pectoral pockets.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Saline Implants – High Profile/ Style 68HP
Size: 320 cc Left
Size: 320 cc Right
Pre-Op Cup: C
Post-Op Cup: D

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, underwent an exchange of her Silicone breast implants and revision of her sub-pectoral pockets.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Silicone Implants – Moderate Plus Profile/ Style 15
Size: 397 cc Left
Size: 397 cc Right
Pre-Op Cup: B
Post-Op Cup: D

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, underwent an exchange of her saline breast implants, revision of her sub-pectoral pockets and a Periareolar Mastopexy (Donut or Benelli Mastopexy).
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Saline Implants – High Profile/ Style 68HP
Size: 430 cc Left
Size: 420 cc Right
Pre-Op Cup: B
Post-Op Cup: C

This 40 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, underwent an exchange of her silicone breast implants and revision of her sub-pectoral pockets.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Silicone Implants – High Profile/ Style 20
Patient Age: 40
Patient Height: 5’6
Patient Weight: 145 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 550 cc
Implant Size (Right): 550 cc
Cup Size Before: D
Cup Size After: D

This 31 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, underwent an exchange of her saline breast implants for silicone breast implants and bilateral total capsulectomies for grade 4 capsular contracture. Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Silicone Implants – Moderate Profile/ Style SRM
Patient Age: 31
Patient Height: 5’3
Patient Weight: 105 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 405 cc
Implant Size (Right): 405 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: D

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, had undergone a Breast Lift with Implants in the past. She was seen for a breast revision surgery. A Redo Breast Lift with Silicone Breast Implants with creation of a new pocket for the implants as well as suturing to recreate the pocket for the implants ( Redo Wise Mastopexy with a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane), Neo-Subpectoral Pockets, Bilateral Capsulorraphies and exchange of breast to Silicone implants was performed.
Breast Implant Type: Style 20 Silicone Gel Implants – High Profile
Size: 300 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C

This 23 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) and ptosis (sagging breast), underwent an exchange of her saline breast implants to silicone breast implants and correction of the malposition (bottoming out of her breast implants) with GalaFLEX Mesh (surgical scaffold) as an internal bra for added support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Silicone Implants – High Profile/ Style SSF NATRELLE INSPIRA
Patient Age: 23
Patient Height: 5’6
Patient Weight: 137 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 295 cc
Implant Size (Right): 325 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C

This 34 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office and was unhappy with her results, she underwent a revision breast surgery with replacement of her breast implants through a peri-areolar incision, a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) breast augmentation with Silicone implants with neo-subpectoral pockets and lateral capsulorrhaphies was performed.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira Smooth SoftTouch – SSF (Full Profile).
Patient Age: 31Patient Height: 5’1″
Patient Weight: 112 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 415 cc
Implant Size (Right): 415 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: D6 weeks Post Surgery

This 40 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office and was deflation of her left breast implant, she underwent a revision breast surgery with replacement of her breast implants through a IMF incision, a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) breast augmentation with Silicone implants.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira Smooth SoftTouch – SSM (Moderate Profile).
Patient Age: 40
Patient Height: 5’9″
Patient Weight: 184 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 405 cc
Implant Size (Right): 485 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: D
6 weeks Post Surgery

This 37 year old female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia (small breast) who had a breast augmentation in the past at another surgeon’s office had bilateral displacement of her breast implants inferiorly and laterally. The patient underwent a revision breast surgery with replacement of her breast implants through IMF incisions, with silicone breast implant placement in a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) position and use of Strattice tissue matrix (ADM) as an internal bra for breast implants support.
Breast Implant Type: Smooth Round Cohesive Silicone Gel – Style Natrelle Inspira SoftTouch Breast Implant- SSM (Moderate Profile).
Patient Age: 37
Patient Height: 5’6″
Patient Weight: 103 LBS
Implant Size (Left): 295 cc
Implant Size (Right): 295 cc
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: C
6 weeks Post Surgery

This female patient with bilateral mammary hypoplasia and ptosis, had undergone a breast augmentation in the past. She was seen for a breast revision surgery. A Wise Mastopexy with a partial sub-muscular (Dual plane) exchange of breast to Silicone implants was performed.
Breast Implant Type: Silicone Gel – Ultra High Profile
Size: 350 cc
Pre-Op Cup: C
Post-Op Cup: C

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